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Excel for Land Surveyors is a Hub for sharing helpful spreadsheet tools and applications to be used in the surveying field.

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Use this group to leverage the power of excel spreadsheets and formulas in your daily land surveying adventures.. To add information to this group, simply start a new discussion and give it a catchy title, tags and thick description. Or simply respond to a discussion already created.

665 EXCELlant Surveyors
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Hi Forum,

my name is zainul land surveyor from indonesia


this is my first post in this forum and first share my spreadsheet as well

i made user define functions (udf) saved in excel addins (*.xla) to calculate cut and fill area.

Attached file is zipped file consists of 2 files, one file is xla and the other one is sample of cross section charts. There are 2 (two) UDF in addins, named xCatchPoint() to obtained left and right coordinates of "catch points" and UDF xCutFill to calculate cut and fill area.


Cross section samples consist of two cross sections and resume for volume calculation.


please feel free to download it. lets discuss for further development.

I also posted this spreadsheet on My Blog , in "bahasa indonesia"





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