Two Apps Which Talk To One Another - Introducing "The New Surveyor" and "The Seasoned Surveyor" Apps

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We are seeking beta testers for two new Survey Crew apps geared toward helping land surveyors understand one another across generations.

New Surveyor App - If you are New to Surveying, Go here in your mobile browser to add a shortcut to your phone:

Seasoned Surveyor App - If you are an experienced surveyor, Go here in your mobile browser to add a shortcut to your phone:

Everyday a new surveyor comes into the field, a game begins. This game involves finding out who is in charge, what is expected from them and what they should already know about land surveying. Those seasoned surveyors in charge quite often discover gigantic voids in surveying knowledge, lack of understanding about how crews work and ultimately what surveying is all about. These two apps are an attempt to help get everyone on the same page.


These two apps are Land Surveyors United Member Apps which have been developed as an experimental proof of concept. By donating to the community, you can help us upgrade these apps to become more robust, hold more information and brand them for the community.

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Join the Mentorship Hub for Land Surveyors and help us educate the next generation of land surveyors!  There are two forums inside the mentorship hub - one for Older Surveyors and one for New Surveyors.

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