Sokkia iX Intro Video

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The iX Series robotic total stations are a trimmed down, high- performance solution. You get the efficiency of a single-operator robotic system, the power of long range reflectorless measurements, and performance as a hybrid positioning solution. Ultra-powerful UltraSonic technology is the driving force for the iX Series. The UltraSonic motors are the thinnest, lightest, and most powerful on the market – providing you with the smoothest and most accurate prism- tracking possible. It’s a difference you can see and hear immediately. With a rotation speed of 180° per-second, no matter how fast you move, or how many obstacles are in the way, you cannot outrun the iX. Ultra-accurate Our new UltraTrac technology gives you increased prism-tracking strength in all conditions. Advanced instrument algorithms deliver the confidence you need to move ahead. It’s not that you lose line-of-sight, it’s how fast you can reacquire and get back to work. Ultra-slim and reliable Featuring a remarkably slimmed down design, the compact system is a third smaller and lighter than previous robotic instruments, yet twice as fast. Without traditional gears or wearing parts, the UltraSonic motors are much more rugged and durable – lasting four times longer than previous total stations. Visit us @ for more info.

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