GPS Correction Methods and Accuracies.avi

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A short about the differences between Recreational Grade GPS, Mapping Grade GPS, and Survey Grade GPS.Civilian Grade GPS:Often times people will confuse Civilian grade GPS with Mapping Grade GPS. Here is my definition of Civilian Grade; any GPS unit with an accuracy above 20ft. These types of receivers can be Cell Phone GPS units, Garman units, Tom Tomโ€™s, in car GPS units, etc. These receivers tend to be able to lock onto a signal under trees and in vehicles. They are usually used to find your way to and from a geographic location such as geocaching, navigation, turn by turn directions, etc. โ€œDo these units have a place in the GIS Industryโ€ you may ask. The answer is absolutely! We use them in our Work Order Management Solution Spatial Links to navigate to a work order. They can be used to map certain GIS Features that do not require high accuracy such as the location of a house for a marketing survey or for storm weather tracking but they would not be best utilized to map a driveway entrance of a home for 911 or to map a valve for a utility.Mapping Grade GPS:In the last few years the definition of Mapping Grade GPS has changed significantly. It used to simply mean a GPS unit capable of creating a point in space at 1 meter (3.3 feet) or so. Now, the accuracy of Mapping Grade units range from 10 Centimeters (4 inches) to 1 meter (3.3 feet). In addition it is quickly becoming the norm for Mapping Grade Receivers to have cell phone technology and high res cameras such as the Trimble GeoXH 6000 handheld. They also should facilitate ease of use regarding capturing data, recording information about that data (attributes) and getting that accurate robust data back into the GIS/CAD system quickly and easily.Survey Grade Receivers:There is no confusion as to what a Survey Grade Receiver is. This type of unit is accurate below 1 centimeter (0.4 inches). My definition is if you need to map an ants butt then you need survey grade. These types of units are used to depict ownership of property and trust me people want every inch of property they can get. In order for a surveyor to be able to put his stamp on a plat or drawing he has to know what he surveyed is correct. The other uses for this type of equipment are shooting inverts of Sewer/Stormwater pipes, High Accuracy GIS, ground control for aerial surveys and Accident Mapping for Police Departments among others.So to answer the questions:What is the best way to map your system for GIS? > Mapping GradeWhat solution might get me where I need to go? > Civilian GradeWhat does my Engineer need when he asks me for your GIS data? > Survey Grade

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