DJI-Innovations S800 with Wookong M autopilot and 10X Zoom Camera

GEO Ambassador
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Troy Built Models started with the S-800 and the Wookong M, then added a Sony 10X zoom 1/3 CCD camera. Troy Built Models customized the product for a customer who requested a Dell laptop computer. We prefer the Panasonic Toughbook for outdoor use due to its touch screen and very bright video, though it is much more expensive. We run through the checklists which are available for download on the Troy Built Models website, and we demonstrate the multi-waypoint autopilot, and the zoom video camera. The S-800 is a very reliable and well-engineered product. Troy Built Models named the assembled product the Squadcopter as it is intended for law enforcement, search and rescue, and fire departments as well as hobbyists. Contact Troy Built Models if you would like a S-800 custom built to your specifications.

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