Land Surveyor

staking out for gabion

staking out for gabion
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  • Land Surveyor

    yes bos.. but now. we curently purchasing safety materials... our team in the provincial engineering is disregarded in terms of material for safety...just like vest and skull gurads..

    -the one that wearing in white is the foreman of the contractor for that project... ^_^

  • In addition, the DPWH shall provide all the necessary PPEs to its employees for free.

  • *slippers

  • It appears that the Department of Public Works and Highways (DPWH) does not have any safety policy. As a (Philippine) government agency, DPWH shall take its lead role to promote safety. Seeing people working for the agency wearing sleepers, shorts, sandos, with no skull guards, reflective vests, and who are somehow forced to do unsafe tasks is very disturbing. The government has spent huge amount of taxpayers money to promote safety but it seems to me wasted down the drain. Very frustrating.

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