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Topcon rl-H5A vs Topcon rl-SV2s

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Mariana from the shop breaks down the differences between the Topcon rl-H5a and the Topcon rl-Sv2s. These Topcon lasers are similar as they are both rotary lasers, but they differ when it comes to setting grade. Grading Differences: The Topcon H5A will only let you set grade manually while the Topcon Sv Series (SV1s or SV2s) will let you punch in the exact grade you need. In addition, when taking the lasers off automatic leveling, the SV series will allow you grade up to 15% while the H5A will allow you to grade up to 10%. Which is best for me? The ultimate question is do you need to see the exact percentage of grade? If yes, you need the Topcon SV1 or SV2 grade laser. If you do not need to see the exact percentage of grade, save the money, and go with with the Topcon H5A.

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