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Professional Land Surveyors of Australia is a social support group and forum for land surveyors who live and work in Australian localities, or even those who are considering a survey opportunity in Australia- It is the best place to live after all!

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There are several ways to MIGRATE TO AUSTRALIA by getting a permanent residency visa for skilled professionals. This article is about the most common Skilled Independent visa (subclass 189) and  Skilled nominated Visa (190) . It is a point based system that can be done by yourself without paying for an agency or third party fee. The whole process is through online and courier mail without any interview or human relation unless additional information is required by phone. Typically it will take 6 to 10 months to get the Australian Permanent Resident visa. Even though this article covers an example for a Surveyor, it is generally for all skilled professions.

By obtaining a permanent resident visa you will be eligible to

  • Stay in Australia indefinitely
  • work and study in Australia
  • enrol in Medicare, Australia’s scheme for health-related care and expenses
  • sponsor eligible relatives for permanent residence
  • travel to and from Australia for five years
  • apply for Australian citizenship, if eligible.
  • Permanent resident of Australia is also granted the right to travel to New Zealand and apply for a New Zealand Visa. This is a provision that has been granted by the government of New Zealand.
  • Children of permanent residents who are born in Australia are deemed Australian citizens by birth. This will be one great advantage because they will enjoy the maximum benefits in the field of education and health care.


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