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Professional Land Surveyors of Asia is a social support group and forum for land surveyors who work in Asian countries. Find a list of subgroups below for individual countries and states for Asia. Join those based on your location.

741 Asian Surveyors
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Surveyors in Asia: Place Check

Hello Land Surveyors in Asia!

Tell the group where you are from and the type of land surveying that you do in your country.  Feel free to respond in your own native language.
Looking forward to seeing all of the different types of land surveying in Asia!

You need to be a member of Land Surveyors United - Surveying Education Community to add thoughts!

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  • Hi 

    I Am Akram Shahid Having More Than Quarter Centuary Field Experience of Land/Quantity Surveyor From Abdul-Hakim (Khanewall) Punjab Pakistan

    0300-8577905 email [email protected]

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