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Student Surveyor

Starnet Help


I am currently using starnet V6 and I am having a problem. Tried searching through the manuals and online help but no such luck. 

Currently I have a two traverse loops; One loop is the original loop which was done many years back, the second loop was recently done and contains part of the original loop and was done using assumed bearing and coordinates. I would like to know how to do a transformation of the loops and also find out the residuals of the original loop to know how much they have moved. 

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  • Hello,

    1: to transform the newly taken data u just have to change the value of minimum  2 known points manually in your star net coordinates file. Fix them ( ! ) as your known point and run the adjustment.

    2: To check the residuals of the measured  & known control points u may use the Best fit  transformation program. (find attached)

    Let me know if this works.

    • Student Surveyor


      Thanks for all the help. Will look into it and hopefully solves the issue. Thank you!


  • GEO Ambassador

    i believe these are the manuals you seek.. let me know

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