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Land Surveyors Of China is a group forum for Chinese Land Surveyors to connect and discuss or share experiences as a surveyor in China, Subgroup of Asia Land Surveyors

14 Chinese Land Surveyors
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China CHC Post-Processing

Hello everyone.After I successfully used one of the China CHC DGPS (Dual-frequency chcx91 gps rtk) to acquired data.Processing the data seems very challenges for me because I am unable to installed the data processing software that came with it (Dual-frequency chcx91 gps rtk) on my computer running window 8.1Anyone who has successfully used it or have solution idea should help me out.Thanks!

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Land Surveyor

Finally! Geoinformation Support in China

China is expected to introduce policies in August that will give preferential treatment to the geoinformation industry, which is predicted to produce 1 trillion yuan ($157 billion) worth of goods and services by 2020, said an industry source. The policies, which are likely to be issued by the State Council this month, will call for the use of tax cuts and other measures to support the industry, according to Cao Hongjie, vice-president of Beijing UniStrong Science & Technology Co Ltd, a Chinese…

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About Chinese Surveying equipement

Hello friends, I've been in FIG working week 2011 last week, and saw there a lot of chinese firms showing there material, I have to say that the price is verya attractive, the design is as chinese tradition copied from the principal brands of the buiseness, trimble and topocon especially, my equation is about the quality of these equipement, have someone of you tried a chinese materiel in his daily work?? what's your impressions??

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Land Surveyors of China

Land Surveyors Of China is a group forum for Chinese Land Surveyors to connect and discuss or share experiences as a surveyor in China, Subgroup of Asia Land Surveyors

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  • few surveyors in China use this website.
  • Hi i have Kolida KTS442R Totalstation anyone know how to change the language of this totalstation from Chines to English.

    您好我有科力达KTS442R Totalstation人知道如何。中国改变这种totalstation语言为英文

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