So much heavy metal. So many streaming twitches, this Chief knows how to Party...
DPC gets it all done. While he is able to simultaneously measure land and broadcast to his fellow Party Animals around the world, many are unaware that he is also secretly DJing a virtual house party in Europe (currently projecting on the jobsite tailgate).
Get ready to survey, and then get up just to get down to party with the Chief! It's the action figure for every land surveyor out there who secretly wish they had a cooler boss. Complete with extendable selfie stick, ambiguous cross gen baggy cargo pant and beer leg positioning.

It sells itself but here you will find a breakdown of the benefits.
Behold the "Not a Camera - Down to Party Chief" Limited Edition Action Figure.... because land surveyors deserve a mentor who knows how to party!
In 20 years this action figure will be fully ready to retire but right not it is the surveying world's best-kept secret. With state of the art Selfie Stick Projector Radio Technology, this guy truly gets nothing done at work. With his patented hypertechnicolor party suit, flippable hard hat to spiky hair expandability makes loosing your cool at work virtually impossible. Whether you've been looking for a Land Surveyor Action figure with better lazers or simply a more hard hitting work music soundtrack, the DTPC has it all.
When you touch any of the tripod legs, a very natural sounding voice says 1 of 75 things you've already heard before and some others in nonregional accents that are not funny but fun none the less., plus a few that are new which seem to really not make sense at all..for example:
Sure,you could buy one of those other crappy Not a Camera Action Figures, but between us, that would make you a wimp. The fact that you're even thinking about it tells me you were probably from that generation. And if that's the case, we may not always see eye to eye - but that don't mean you ain't welcome at my party.
Back to partying with so many cool features not found in other premium Land Surveyor "Not a Camera Action Figures floating around out there.