February - Surveyor Member Raffle -Sponsored by Survipod

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On February 28th 2021 at 8pm EST, we will all meet for a live stream on our Youtube Channelto draw a random member number. If the member number that we draw matches a member who has upgraded their membership as a sustaining member, they win the entire prize for the month.



Important Information about Your Member Number and Raffle Number

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Your Land Surveyors United account is now associated with a Member #. Your Member # will now become your Raffle # for an entire year, when you elevate the status of your account as a sustaining member. Your member number is based on the order in which you joined us. It's good to know your Member # for many reasons but most importantly because it will sting if we draw your # during the monthly raffle drawing and you didn't know you won. Remember it, because you will have at least 12 chances to win the monthly Raffle, via live stream on the last day of every month, as owner of it. Remember it because we need you to tell us your Member # at check out when you subscribe to Basic Membership or higher on Land Surveyors United Community. Remember it because it might be the Golden Ticket in one of those 12 monthly raffle drawings every year. Remember it because you will need your Member Raffle Number to claim the monthly Raffle Prize, if your number is drawn. Remember it because it now literally saves you money anytime you mention your Member number while doing business with any of our community Smarketplace Vendors. Only those Sustaining Members who have upgraded to Basic Membership or higher are eligable to win the monthly Raffle Prize.
Before moving to the next section, Use this search engine to find your Membership number forĀ Monthly Membership RaffleĀ . Learn more about benefits of membershipĀ on Land Surveyors United.Add the upcoming Raffle Drawing Events to your calendarĀ because you have an entire year of raffle prizes to look forward to. If you cannot afford membership, we may possibily be able to match you with a sponsor. In order to avoid restricted access to members only resources, courses, apps and tools, you mustĀ Tell Us Your Member Number hereĀ so that we can try to help you. Note: We update the member numbers on the 15th of the month and the day before the last day of the month (day before any raffle). If you joined recently, check back on the 16th or after the first as we assign new numbers every two weeks and the day before a raffle.

Frequently Asked Questions Raffle and Membership
I Cannot Afford Membership



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