Day In a Life: Survey Technician

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Whats going on my scrubs! Here to give you a day in the life of what I do for my job! hope you guys enjoy!


What is a Land Survey Technician?

8481091083?profile=RESIZE_400xLand survey technicians work in conjunction with land surveyors and related professions to help adjust and operate the equipment used for creating surveys as well as compiling notes and data and making sketches.

Land survey technicians obtain land survey data including angles, elevation and contours using a variety of equipment and techniques. Using the data they will compile notes and records of work that has been performed to help assist the licensed land surveyor.

Land survey technicians are required to be able to use CAD (computer aided design) systems to create drawings and maps of surveyed areas. They also use equipment such as GPS (global positioning system), digital mapping systems, electronic distance measuring instruments and other tools to perform their work.

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Land Survey Technicians

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