Surveyor Member Apps and Tools - Land Surveyors United

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This is the Welcome Hub for Land Surveyors United!  Say Welcome. Introduce yourself to the surveyor community!  In this hub you can learn all about the tools, resources and features of the Land Surveyors United Community.  We look forward to learning about your adventures in land surveying!

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You can find the new Land Surveyors United Mobile App Here

Massive updates to our New App for 🗺📍 Land Surveyors United Fieldbook
Now in this version, surveyors can:
💥Find all of the best apps folded into one single app
💥Add surveying photos from the field I Surveyed That
💥Listen to all of the latest Podcasts from Geoholics,Surveyor Says, Mentoring Mondays and Measure This right inside the app.
💥Use tools inside the Toolbox anywhere
💥Post Jobs and Find Jobs Anywhere
💥Use tools inside the Toolbox anywhere
💥Post Jobs and Find Jobs Anywhere
💥Watch the latest Surveying Videos
💥Find affordable equipment inside the Smarketplace
💥Access surveyor submitted spreadsheet programs
💥Find the Chapter Hub you Represent and join/Follow it
💥Add surveying photos from the field to Location Based Hubs
💥Add Forum Posts and Resources for Other Local Surveyors
💥Chat with other surveyors right inside the app....
The list goes on and on....
Get the app here: 🖇️
Nothing to install...just add the shortcut to your phone or data collector homescreen. If you can think of a better way to bring surveyors together across all geographies and cultures, please by all means let us know....

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