ACSM Dissolves - A New Beginning for NSPS...
Dear Fellow Professionals,
At the past ACSM Congress meeting on July 13, 2011, the representatives to the Congress approved the following motion:
It is moved that in the interests of leading toward a viable single organization, the ACSM Congress be disbanded and the dissolution of ACSM begin and in conjunction with the process, ACSM turn over all operation, control, assets and liabilities to NSPS.
And furthermore,
That the NSPS immediately proceed with a realignment into a unified organization made up of individual members with equitable representation that encompasses the broader definition of surveying to include professional surveyors, geodesists and other geospatial professionals; that therealigned organization adopt the following mission statement: “The mission ofthe organization shall be to represent and advance the sciences and disciplinesof surveying, geodesy, cartography, and related fields through education andcommunication, in furtherance of public good.”; that the realigned organizationadopt a structure similar to that of NSPS; that the realigned organization takeimmediate action(s) to reduce administrative costs; that the realigned organization immediatelydevelop a plan to attract new members in all of the disciplines of surveying,geodesy, cartography and related fields, and develop a marketing strategy.
In response to this motion, the Presidents of the three Member Organizations are prepared to work diligently to create this new “unified organization”. Already the process has begun to appoint members from all MO’s to a new Strategic Planning Committee to conducta Financial Operational Analysis of the organization, including review andrecommendation of Membership Categories and Rates. Shortly, we will chargecommittees to review and recommend member benefits, and develop a marketingplan for our “new” organization.
There are going to be unknown challenges in creating this new organization, but with each other’s trust and determination we can succeed and create an organization that will reach out to all members of what is called the “geospatial” community: Licensed andnon-licensed, boundary surveyors and construction surveyors, geodetic surveyorsand mapping surveyors, GIS specialists and photogrammetrists, machine controland LiDAR specialists, cartographers and drafters, and any other relateddisciplines.
We ask your support and continued involvement in making this an organization that will grow and represent all of us in the future.
William R. Coleman Curtis L. Smith Coleen M. Johnson
President – NSPS President – AAGS President - GLIS