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Survey Map of Greece Property assistance

Thank you in advance for reading and assisting me with this issue.

I have a survey map of a property in Greece which uses X, and Y co-ordinates to depict exact locations.  However, these points are numerical numbers such as x = 217044,732 and Y = 4283044,531.

I am trying to map this piece of land on Google Maps but do not understand the numbering system and how it may translate to the numbering systems used in Google Maps.

Please help me understand.

Thank you,


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  • Michael Elbert said:

    Hi,there!i started to write and it disappeared...

    anyway, if you have a GPS controller it is set with the local coordinate grid but thereis an option or should be an option to translate in to WGS1984 or geographic coordinate system.

    Google maps is in geographical coordinates.As soon as you find the translated values youcan go back to Google Maps and find the place your are trying to locate


    Michael Elbert

  • Hi,there!i started to write and it disappeared...

    anyway, if you have a GPS controller it is set with the local coordinate grid but thereis an option or should be an option to translate in to WGS1984 or geographic coordinate system.

    Google maps is in geographical coordinates.As soon as you find the translated values youcan go back to Google Maps and find the place your are trying to locate


    Michael Elbert

  • I tried to go the the Google Earth map and to Greece and changing my coordinate system to the numerical Universal Transverse Mercator but did not find a direct correlation. However I did not play with the Units of Measurement and picked Feet, Miles which may or may not affect the UTM values.  You might play with that and experiment if you know about where the property is and can put some placemarks in that area with different values for Th3 "Show Lat/Long and Units of measure selections.  If there is a way to contact the source of the maps, then contact them and find out from an expert for that property map and values.  Is there a local coordinate system there like our State Plane Coordinate System here?  If so then you need to contact whoever is the authority for the that part of the world, I am guessing. Keep trying and asking and eventually you will get an answer and be the expert on that at LSU.

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