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Land Surveyor

International Summer School 2014 - 5th edition
17 to 26 July 2014 - Roma and Castellana Grotte (Bari)
Survey for Planning: New Technologies and Land Protection
Knowledge Habitat for Living

Below I am sending you the information about International Summer School 2014: 

• the COIFA – Comitato Italiano Fotogrammetria Architettonica
• the Cattedra di Storia dell'Arte Moderna, Dipartimento Lettere Lingue Arti, Università degli Studi "Aldo Moro" di Bari, Italy
• the Cattedra di Fisica Tecnica Ambientale 

Dipartimento di Scienze dell'Ingegneria Civile e dell'Architettura (DICAR), Politecnico di Bari "Attilio Alto", Italy
in collaboration with
• the Comune di Castellana Grotte (Bari), "Porta della Valle d'Itria"
• Collegio dei Geometri e Geometri Laureati della Provincia di Bari
organize from 17 to 26 July 2014 the 5th edition of "International Summer School" entitled:
"Survey for Planning: New Technologies and Land Protection - Knowledge Habitat for Living"

I pray you to disclose the information.
Participation in the International Summer School 2014 - 5th edition - from 17 to 26 July 2014, is free of charge (registration, accommodation, meals and internal transfers in Italy are paid by the organization of the International Summer School 2014).
Participants have to pay only the amount of compulsory insurance of approximately € 160,00 (one hundred and sixty euro)

You can find the first general information at:
At the time, You can view the general program with the dates and sites of development of the work of the International Summer School 2014 at the site:
the site is being continuously updated until the final program will be published.

If you (or your colleagues) are interested in participating, you must send your CV and a copy (pict) of your passport to the following email: [email protected]
You will be informed shortly if your profile is compatible with the requirements for participation in the International Summer School 2014
For more information and request for clarification to the International Summer School 2014 - 5th edition - in ITALY, please contact:

• Grimaldi Piero
tel. +39 333 2960206
email: [email protected]

Hello, see you soon in Italy.

Piero Grimaldi
Designer and Director
International Summer School 2014

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