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South Carolina Land Surveyors Group forum is for SCSPLS members on the network, professional land surveyors and LSU members who live and survey in the state of South Carolina, USA. Tell us all about surveying in South Carolina!

22 South Carolina Land Surveyors
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Job Hazards 2

1500 Acre Boundary for waste management in Cherokee County South Carolina

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  • Student Surveyor
    Surveyor must be strong and its not for lazy people
  • 1201155700?profile=original?width=750Haber que les parece esta , realizando el levantamiento para calculo del offset para la cámara digital y sistema LIDAR .
  • mmmmm, pues esta bien.
  • I like this picture very much. A surveyor  can do his work in any environment.It is a challenging work.
  • i know realy survey is very tuff and  hardwork
  • Party Chief
    ive been there...worked in a gator nest at the Tea farm in Ravenel, SC with chest waders...chased by 3....not a fun time
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