South Carolina Land Surveyors Group forum is for SCSPLS members on the network, professional land surveyors and LSU members who live and survey in the state of South Carolina, USA. Tell us all about surveying in South Carolina!
Board News
- Information for Examination Applicants
- Candidate Approval list for October 2010 Examination
- Retired and Emeritus Information
- Engineer and Land Surveyor 2010 Renewal Application
- Frequently Asked Renewal Questions
- Licensure Information for Surveyors - June 30, 2010 deadline
- Are You Interested In Serving on the Board?"
- Standards of Practice Manual for Surveying
- Licensure Procedures for Engineering Technology Graduates
Online Address Changes
Effective immediately: Licensees can make changes to their addresses through the Online Services section of the Boards Web site, and have it update LLR’s database without having staff re-key the information. Prior, licensees would make the request online, staff would receive an email and key in the changes. Now, selected staff will receive an email advising that changes were made to a licensees address.
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