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FEMA RSS Feeds for Disasters and GIS

I ran across a helpful resource for tracking natural disasters via RSS from FEMA for those who are emergency response surveyors.  You can track these feeds also using Google Earth because the feeds are in GeoRSS format and other location-based file formats.

FEMA GIS Data Feeds

  Name   Provider Metadata Preview  Shapefile Map KMZ WMS geoRSS/
  Current Disaster 
Metadata View shp Map KMZ WMS geoRSS
  Historical Disaster 
Metadata View shp
1964- 2012

2000- 2012
KMZ WMS xlsx
  FEMA Regions
and Offices
Metadata View shp Map KMZ WMS  
Hurricane Evacuation 
Gold '11
Metadata View shp Map KMZ WMS

2013 Declared Disasters

Declaration Number
State Disaster Type Shapefile KMZ geoRSS
DR-4118 North Dakota Flooding shp KMZ geoRSS
DR-4117 Oklahoma Severe Storms, Tornadoes, Flooding, Mudslides, and Landslides shp KMZ geoRSS
DR-4116 Illinois Severe Storm, Straight-line Winds and Flooding shp KMZ geoRSS
DR-4115 South Dakota Severe Winter Storm and Snowstorm shp KMZ geoRSS
DR-4114 Iowa Severe Storm And Snowstorm shp KMZ geoRSS
DR-4113 Minnesota Severe Storm And Snowstorm shp KMZ geoRSS
DR-4112 Kansas Severe Storm And Snowstorm shp KMZ geoRSS
DR-4111 New York Severe Winter Storm and Snowstorm shp KMZ geoRSS
DR-4110 Massachusetts Severe Storm And Snowstorm shp KMZ geoRSS
DR-4109 Oklahoma Severe Storm And Snowstorm shp KMZ geoRSS
DR-4108 Maine Severe Winter Storm, Snowstorm and Flooding shp KMZ geoRSS
DR-4107 Rhode Island Severe Storm And Snowstorm shp KMZ geoRSS
DR-4106 Connecticut Severe Winter Storm and Snowstorm shp KMZ geoRSS
DR-4105 New Hampshire Severe Winter Storm and Snowstorm shp KMZ geoRSS
DR-4104 Navajo Nation Severe Freezing shp KMZ geoRSS
DR-4103 Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians Severe Storms, Flooding, Landslides and Mudslides shp KMZ geoRSS
DR-4102 Louisiana Severe Storms and Flooding shp KMZ geoRSS
DR-4101 Mississippi Severe Storms shp KMZ geoRSS
DR-4100 Arkansas Severe Winter Storm shp KMZ geoRSS
DR-4099 Pennsylvania Severe Storms and Flooding shp KMZ geoRSS
DR-4098 Ohio Severe Storms and Flooding shp KMZ geoRSS

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2013 Declared Emergencies

Emergency Number State Emergency Type Shapefile KMZ geoRSS
EM-3364 North Dakota Flooding shp KMZ geoRSS
EM-3363 Texas Explosion shp KMZ geoRSS
EM-3362 Massachusetts Terrorism shp KMZ geoRSS
EM-3361 Connecticut Severe Storm And Snowstorm shp KMZ geoRSS

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