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Pennsylvania Land Surveyors group forum is for PSLS members on the network, professional land surveyors and LSU members who live and survey in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, USA. Share your experience surveying in Pennsylvania!

16 Pennsylvania Land Surveyors
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From the State Registration Board for Professional Engineers, Land Surveyors, and Geologists

Please note that there have been no additional statutory changes made to the Engineer, Land Surveyor and Geologist Registration Law (act), since the mailing of the special notice dated May 28, 2010. The Board is waiting for the approval of promulgated regulations that will assist with the implementation of the requirements of the amended act. You are able to view the status of the pending regulations by visiting the IRRC website at Approximately midway down the webpage is a link to the final form of the proposed regulations. 

The Board’s website provides a link to continuing education information, including general guidelines, as well as an activity log to be used in accordance with the requirements of section 4.5(f) of the act. I have attached the information that can be found on the Board’s website, for your convenience.

CPC General Guidelines

CPC Activity Log

Fill In Continuing Professional Competency Activity Log


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