Penn Cheyning: "Penn Surveying Company can I help you?"
Happy Client: "I was just calling to thank you again for helping us with the problem with the neighbor."
Penn Cheyning: "As I have said before, I think it was foolish to start a legal contest over a 2 inch enchroachment but I am glad we prevalied in Court."
Happy Client: "Well, I did not think the stakes you placed at my corners were good enough, so after the judgment I dug holes next to those tall wooden stakes you set and filled them full of concrete."
Penn Cheyning:" you see the iron rods we buried in the ground, what happened to the iron rods?"
Happy Client:" We dug those up when we dug the the holes."
Penn Cheyning:"You dug them up?!"
Happy Client: "Oh, dont wory, before the concrete dried we just stuck them back in the holes. We even put those funny cap things with those numbers back on them when we did it."
Penn Cheyning: Penn Surveying, can I help you?
Smug Engineering Technician: Yes, I am calling you because your survey you did for us a couple of years ago on Industrial Road is all wrong. All the manhole elevations are wrong!
Penn Cheyning: I am uncertain how that could be, we use a redundant system for elevating utilities. All I can do is send out a field crew to check them today.
Smug Engineer Technician: Great! While you are out there could you transfer your site benchmark from the rim of the manhole you are showing on your survey to a spike in a power pole on the site? We rebuilt all the manholes on the site the other day and your site benchmark has been wiped out.
Penn Cheyning: Penn Surveying, can I help you?
Upset Client: You surveyed my property last week and it's wrong!
Penn Cheyning: Wrong? What is wrong with it?
Upset Client: Well, I measured some of the sides of my house and you show different measurements on your survey.
Penn Cheyning: All I can do is send a field crew out and check it. Can you tell me where you measured your house that is different from the survey?
Upset Client: Yes! You show 2.9 on a jog in the wall of my house on your survey and I have measured it and it is 2 feet 11 inches, now I want you to get somebody out here to fix this right away.
Penn Chenying: Hummmm...what are you measuring your house with?
Upset Client: With a yard stick of course!