Don’t let your rod get crooked.
The InvertBoot solves the age-old surveyor’s issue of recording the invert on
a culvert or drain without the need to angle your surveying rod.
Don’t let your rod get crooked.
The InvertBoot solves the age-old surveyor’s issue of recording the invert on
a culvert or drain without the need to angle your surveying rod.
The flowline at the inside lowest point of a culvert cross-section.
The allowable depth of water immediately upstream of a culvert, measured from the invert at the first full cross-section of the culvert. Design criteria.
The maximum permissible depth of water surface immediately upstream of the culvert at the design discharge, measured from a datum. Note: datum may differ between software applications; measured from culvert invert or another datum.
The water surface elevation upstream from a culvert entrance invert, measured from a datum. Note: datum may differ between software applications; measured from culvert invert or another datum.
The depth of water immediately downstream from a culvert, measured from the culvert outlet invert.
Measurement from culvert invert, pool, or channel bottom to the water surface.
Don’t let your rod get crooked.
The InvertBoot solves the age-old surveyor’s issue of recording the invert on
a culvert or drain without the need to angle your surveying rod.
The InvertBoot has been created to be easily fitted on the foot of the most
popular Grade Rods such as the Crain SVR 25-Foot Fiberglass Grade Rod.
With the InvertBoot the Surveying or pipe laying technician can find the invert
on as-built Infrastructure, Drainage & sanitary surveying projects as wells as
new development land surveying projects.
InvertBoot is a professional grade tool that will stand up to daily commercial use.
If your project demands accurate, high-quality land surveying equipment that can
help find the invert, InvertBoot is the tool to use. InvertBoot is commercial grade
surveying equipment that is much needed in the industry.