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12757159457?profile=RESIZE_584xValuable Geospatial Resource Listings and Repositories for Land Surveyors

Free GIS Datasets

A comprehensive, well-organized list developed by Robin Wilson, University of Southampton. It contains free global, regional, national, and subnational geodata in vector/raster format, organized by theme.

This resource is particularly useful for land surveyors looking for diverse datasets to support their projects, ranging from topographic maps to population data.

Example: A land surveyor working on urban planning can use this resource to access population density data, which helps in planning infrastructure developments.
Visit Free GIS Datasets

Robin Wilson's dedication to providing accessible geospatial data is a testament to his commitment to supporting the geospatial community and fostering educational growth.


A comprehensive, well-organized list developed by Robin Tolochko. It contains data, resources, tools, lists, and tutorials for geospatial work, making it a one-stop-shop for GIS professionals.

Land surveyors can find tutorials on how to use various GIS tools, which can improve their technical skills and efficiency in handling geospatial data.

Example: A surveyor can follow a tutorial on creating custom maps using QGIS, enhancing their ability to present data visually to clients.
Visit tolomaps

Robin Tolochko's initiative reflects a deep understanding of the needs of GIS professionals and contributes significantly to the ease of accessing geospatial information and tools.

World Wide Data - Washington State Geospatial Data Archive (WAGDA)

Generally free and accessible global and regional-scale raster & vector data, organized by type and theme. WAGDA provides diverse datasets that cater to various geospatial needs.

For land surveyors, this resource is invaluable for accessing high-quality data for projects involving environmental analysis or regional planning.

Example: A surveyor working on environmental conservation can use land cover datasets from WAGDA to assess changes in vegetation over time.

The Washington State Geospatial Data Archive showcases a commitment to facilitating research and practical applications in geospatial sciences through readily available data.

University of Maryland GIS Data Guide

This guide offers generally free and accessible global and regional-scale raster & vector data, organized by type and theme. It serves as a reliable source for diverse geospatial datasets.

Land surveyors can leverage this guide to discover specialized data for complex projects, such as hydrological modeling or urban expansion studies.

Example: A surveyor conducting a flood risk assessment can use topographical and rainfall data from this guide to model flood scenarios.
Visit University of Maryland GIS Data Guide

The University of Maryland's commitment to providing a robust GIS data guide is a testament to its dedication to advancing geospatial research and education.


One of the best listings of global/regional datasets in raster/vector format. EDENext focuses on infectious diseases, with spatial datasets designed to support this research, primarily in the European region.

Land surveyors can find valuable epidemiological data that can be integrated into health-related projects or environmental assessments.

Example: A surveyor engaged in public health studies can use EDENext datasets to analyze the spread of diseases in relation to environmental factors.
Visit EDENext

EDENext's dedication to addressing global health challenges through geospatial data is a remarkable contribution to the intersection of health and spatial analysis.

Columbia University Libraries/Information Services Geodata Listing

A comprehensive and well-known data source for all scales of GIS mapping. This listing provides access to a wide range of geospatial datasets for various applications.

Land surveyors can utilize this resource to access historical maps and current datasets, aiding in comparative studies and temporal analysis.

Example: A surveyor can use historical aerial imagery to track urban development over decades, providing insights into city planning and growth.
Visit Columbia University Geodata Listing

Columbia University's commitment to providing extensive geospatial resources underscores its role as a leader in academic research and practical GIS applications.

Stanford University GIS Data Portal/List

Stanford University's listing of global/regional/local geospatial data sources. This portal offers a variety of datasets suitable for both academic and professional use.

Land surveyors can find detailed demographic and environmental data that can support comprehensive analysis and reporting.

Example: A surveyor working on a regional development project can use Stanford's demographic data to assess population trends and plan infrastructure accordingly.
Visit Stanford University GIS Data Portal

Stanford University's dedication to providing a robust geospatial data portal reflects its commitment to empowering researchers and professionals with essential data resources.

Susquehanna River Basin Commission

Geodata resources at regional, national, and subnational scales with a focus on the United States. The commission offers valuable datasets for environmental and hydrological studies.

Land surveyors can benefit from detailed hydrological data for water management projects and environmental assessments.

Example: A surveyor analyzing water quality in a river basin can utilize hydrological datasets from this resource to identify pollution sources and trends.
Visit Susquehanna River Basin Commission

The Susquehanna River Basin Commission's commitment to providing essential hydrological data supports sustainable water resource management and environmental protection.

University at Buffalo Libraries - Geospatial Resources

Geodata listings and links for global, regional, national, and subnational scales. This resource is an excellent starting point for accessing diverse geospatial datasets.

Land surveyors can access climate data, land use information, and more, supporting projects across various sectors.

Example: A surveyor engaged in agricultural planning can use climate and soil data from this resource to optimize crop production and management.
Visit University at Buffalo Geospatial Resources

The University at Buffalo's provision of comprehensive geospatial resources is a testament to its dedication to supporting research and practical applications in GIS.

Yale University Library - Map Collection Department

Yale University's GIS resource links for geodata at global, regional, national, and subnational scales. The collection offers a rich variety of maps and datasets for research and professional use.

Land surveyors can utilize this collection to access rare historical maps and modern datasets, aiding in diverse projects and studies.

Example: A surveyor can use Yale's historical map collection to compare past and present land use patterns, providing insights into urbanization and environmental changes.
Visit Yale University Map Collection

Yale University's dedication to maintaining an extensive map collection highlights its role in preserving geospatial history and supporting contemporary research efforts.


Remote Sensing Data Portals and OpenStreetMap Extracts for Land Surveyors

Earth Explorer - USGS

The USGS Earth Explorer is one of the most user-friendly and well-organized platforms for accessing remote-sensed products, especially Landsat tiles. It's a go-to resource for land surveyors who require high-quality imagery for projects.

Example: A land surveyor can use Landsat imagery from Earth Explorer to monitor land changes over time, assisting in environmental impact studies.
Visit Earth Explorer - USGS

The USGS Earth Explorer stands out for its exceptional organization and accessibility, making it an invaluable resource for both new and experienced geospatial professionals.

GLCF - Global Land Cover Facility - University of Maryland

The Global Land Cover Facility provides earth science data that helps in understanding global environmental systems. Specializing in land cover products derived from remote sensing, it serves as a crucial resource for professionals dealing with land analysis.

Example: Surveyors engaged in agricultural studies can use GLCF data to analyze crop patterns and improve land use strategies.
Visit GLCF - University of Maryland

The University of Maryland's Global Land Cover Facility reflects a commitment to advancing global environmental research through accessible data.

University of Maryland + Google: Forest Extent & Change via Landsat RS Analysis

This resource provides results from time-series analysis of Landsat images characterizing forest extent and change. It includes downloadable data and a detailed map portal, supporting projects related to forest management and conservation.

Example: A surveyor focused on forestry can utilize this data to assess deforestation rates and implement conservation measures.
Visit Forest Extent & Change Portal

The partnership between the University of Maryland and Google highlights a pioneering effort in utilizing satellite data for impactful environmental monitoring.

Planet OSM Wiki

This OSM wiki provides a comprehensive list of major OSM data extracts suitable for converting OSM into GIS formats. The Planet OSM file contains all OSM data, allowing for customized extraction for various analyses.

Example: A surveyor working on urban planning can extract specific city data to create detailed maps for infrastructure development.
Visit Planet OSM Wiki

The OpenStreetMap community's dedication to providing extensive mapping data empowers users to create customized geospatial solutions.

Metro Extracts

Metro Extracts offers parts of the OpenStreetMap database for major world cities and surrounding areas, ideal for creating detailed maps even across boundaries. Note: This resource is no longer updated; consider using Mapzen Extracts as an alternative.

Example: Surveyors can use these extracts to visualize city layouts and plan for transportation projects across state lines.
Visit Metro Extracts

Metro Extracts' historical contribution to urban mapping highlights its significance in the evolution of geospatial data accessibility.

Mapzen Extracts

Mapzen Extracts provides city-sized portions of the OpenStreetMap database, updated weekly, making it easy to start with manageable, local data for various projects.

Example: Surveyors can utilize Mapzen Extracts for real-time urban planning, ensuring access to the most recent data for decision-making.
Visit Mapzen Extracts

Mapzen's dedication to providing regularly updated data empowers users to stay current with geospatial trends and urban development.

BBBike Extracts

BBBike Extracts offers an easy-to-use interface for OSM extracts with bounding box determination, supporting various formats including .shp for organized data retrieval.

Example: Surveyors can use BBBike to obtain specific area data for infrastructure projects, ensuring accurate representation of geographic features.
Visit BBBike Extracts

BBBike's focus on user-friendly geospatial data extraction demonstrates its commitment to supporting diverse mapping projects worldwide.

TIGER (Topologically Integrated Geographic Encoding and Referencing)

TIGER is a geospatial format used by the United States Census Bureau to describe land attributes such as roads, buildings, rivers, and lakes, as well as areas like census tracts.

Example: A surveyor can use TIGER data for detailed urban planning, ensuring accurate representation of infrastructure and demographic trends.
Visit TIGER Data

The United States Census Bureau's TIGER data exemplifies a commitment to providing precise and comprehensive geospatial information for public use.

US Census Data Tools

This resource offers various data tools for spatial and nonspatial data from the US Census, enabling users to explore demographic and geographic information with ease.

Example: Surveyors can use these tools to analyze population growth patterns, aiding in urban development and resource allocation.
Visit US Census Data Tools

The US Census Bureau's diverse data tools reflect a commitment to enhancing the accessibility of demographic and geographic information for informed decision-making.

Water Resources of the United States | USGS

This resource provides water-related GIS datasets focused on regional and national scales within the United States, supporting water resource management and conservation.

Example: A surveyor focused on hydrology can utilize these datasets to assess water availability and quality for environmental impact assessments.
Visit USGS Water Resources

The USGS's dedication to providing comprehensive water-related geospatial data supports sustainable management and protection of water resources nationwide.

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