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Keys To Ranking Higher in Local Search

Keys To Ranking High in Local Search

Land Surveyors, the most important aspect of getting your website in the face of potential customers is to rank higher in local search engines.  Because there are fewer competitors, local search engine optimization is not nearly as challenging as broader categories -- but it certainly has its challenges. Many of the same core SEO rules still apply, but thanks in part to improvements on the part of search engines and the intersection of search and social, it is far simpler than at any time in the Web's short but rich history to optimize for local search.

Be Everywhere That Matters: 

From Google Places to local directories, local links and user citations are the primary influencers of high rankings for geo-specific terms. Local users go deep for information, so even small, seemingly low-volume destinations can result in quality links. They may not receive a lot of traffic individually, but a few links from relevant blogs can go a long way - on the search result pages and even in your local community.  Connecting your profile with your other social platform accounts such as twitter and facebook, then posting status updates regularly through LSU network will ensure that you have a presence in the relevant places throughout the web.

Ask for Reviews:

If you're a local surveying business and are not actively collecting reviews, you won't be in business long.  Search engines rely solely on content, and in the eyes of search engines today there is no more reliable signal of businesses' authority and relevance to an individual query than the presence of reviews. You don't just need to ask for reviews here and there, you should consider making it part of either your business processes or marketing campaigns. If you run a surveying or GIS business, what's 20 percent off your patron's next visit for a review? You don't need hundreds, but in order to remain fresh and relevant, your review assets do need to be constantly appended.

Take a look at B and B Surveying Company of Houston TX for example.  Due to all of their hard work on curating reviews for their company, not only are they in the top 3 search results for Houston Land Surveyors, they have won the Angieslist Superior service award for the past 2 years! 

Tips For Success

Get active in your local group forum here on Land Surveyors United and post news and press releases related to your company inside a discussion.  This will give you a tremendous boost in exposure that you will not pay a penny for!

If you do not have a company website, you no longer have an excuse.  The Free and totally customizable Bootstrap Surveying Company Template is the perfect way to get your company on the local search engine map!

Set Up a Schedule:

It sounds basic (perhaps overly so), but ask the next local surveying business owner you encounter when was the last time they checked their position on the search results pages for keywords and phrases relevant to their business. The answer will likely be "it's been a while". Setting up a schedule to monitor position and the impact of individual promotions, just like spending time delivering paychecks to your employees, is a necessary function of business.

SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is an ongoing process, if you plan to compete.  The Land Surveyors United platform was designed to help make these efforts passive and fun.  Use your local group on LSU to your advantage and watch your website and reputation soar!

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  • Land Surveyor

    Thank you Justin, your work is simply incredible. If you are not following Land Surveyors United and utilizing what it is offering you are no where. 

  • GEO Ambassador
    great tips here Jobber...thanks!
    • Land Surveyor

      This guide is exactly the sort of article I wish more land surveyors would pay more attention to.  Surveyors have embraced the latest technology since the beginning of time, except for..... 

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