Follow Contour Map Generator Hub

Since 2019, farmers, ranchers, land designers and developers have been turning to Verge Permacultureā€™s Contour Map Generator for quick, affordable and user-friendly maps that can be imported to Google Earth Pro for real-world understanding of a property.

But to design a permaculture farm that makes the most of every sunny slope, valley, and microclimate ā€“ or a solar-powered green-building development where water is an asset, not a threat ā€“ that takes a whole new level of topographic data...

The solution? The latest expansion of the Contour Map Generator: theĀ Comprehensive Map Bundle!

Follow the Contour Map Generator Hub for updates and special deals for Land Surveyors United Members..

Alain's Lemon Tree Wicking Bed
Why We Love Beavers!
The Benefits of Using a Sickle Knife!
Jen Nobel's Experience Wtih Intentional Community Living
Early Adopter Ben Falk on Permacultureā€™s Beginnings and What Lies Ahead
Ask Rob: How Long Can You Store Rainwater?
Using Hot Water in Your Home-Scale Rainwater Harvesting System
Homestead Tech: How We Set Up a Milking Stanchion for Our Dairy Cow
Rainwater Harvesting and Management on Your Urban Property
Alan Savory's Insights: How Grazing Animals Affect the Landscape
Observing Nature: Forest Bathing
Using Passive Solar Heat in a Northern Home