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TGO, Point Attributes and Carlson

ive posted this on the Carlson support forum and havent gotten much information, can anyone help me with the steps to exporting a file out of tgo and importing into carlson and having my point attributes show up

Ty Olinghouse

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  • problem solved


    "In the Import Text/ASCII dialog, set the format to P,Y,X,Z,D,N,N.  This will bring the additional data in as notes which won't display as part of the point description"


    you also need to build a special export style in tgo, then parse the ascii file to sort the data correctly

    • I don't like that when I import points into Carlson the muliple layers...I want description, node and number on 1 layer called field points.  Can this be done?

    • I don't know if you can stop it from splitting up the layers, but when I import the points into my drawing from my CRD file, It links all my attributes to one layer. I can set that layer as whatever I want it to be. When I turn the layer "PNTS" off, all my point attributes turn off as well (Number, Description, Elevation). If this is not the case for you, check your Point Defaults in the Points menu. You can stop the program from splitting the layers up in that menu. Hope that helps. Let me know if I'm not being clear.

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