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Alaska Land Surveyors Group is for professional land surveyors, ASPLS members and LSU members who live and survey in the state of Alaska, USA

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Alaska US Topo Maps Announced (USGS)

The first 400-plus new US Topo maps for Alaska are now accessible and are the beginning of a multi-year project, ultimately leading to more than 11,000 new maps for the entire state. The goal of the Alaska Mapping Initiative is the production of a complete series of digital topographical maps at a scale of 1:25,000 to replace the 1:63,360-scale maps produced more than 50 years ago. Prior to this effort, topographical maps for much of Alaska were out of date and not produced to current standards, which rely largely on high resolution digital imagery and elevation data. The accurate data of these new maps are essential to the responsible economic and industrial development of Alaska, the preservation of human life and safety, and the advancement of scientific discovery and physical science. Updated Alaska digital map data and US Topo maps over Alaska are available for free download to the general public.

Discovered Via USGS National Map

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  • Land Surveyor

    This is great news for Alaskans!  A more precise tool for use in personal navigation, land use planning, and wildlife management is long overdue in "the country".

    -Scott D. Warner, RLS

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