What is Google+ (Google Plus) and do Surveyors need it?

Party Chief
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Google Plus is Google's new social network. But why start a Google Plus account when you already have a Facebook account? Well, Facebook was developed on the premise that everyone is your "friend" which isn't how your social circles work in real life. Google plus is built so that you can intuitively break up all your connections into "circles" and treat each circle separately. (Facebook allows you to do some of the same things but the privacy settings are confusing and constantly changing.) Google Plus has a lot of slick features, but the biggest reason to open a Google Plus account is that if you use a lot of Google products you will inevitably get one some day.

How Would a Land Surveyor Use Google Plus

Briefly, consider grouping your fellow land surveyors into a "circle" called something like "Surveyors" and when you have surveying-related news or information that you think other surveyors should know about, simply choose the "Surveyors" circle when sharing that type of information. Unlike Facebook (where a share or like can be seen by ALL of your contacts)< Google + allows you to share certain types of content with "certain types" of friends. Follow Land Surveyors United on Google + by following this link: http://landsurveyorsunited.visibli.com/2472f54c426b60fc/?web=a2ace1&dst=https%3A//plus.google.com/111469484153302555478

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