Webinar | Drone LiDAR survey. The Modern Drone Automation Guide to Achieve the Best Data Results

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This is a training held between Mapping Operations Data Unmanned Solutions (MODUS) and Universal Ground Control Station (UGCS) that talks about how to effectively plan for lidar, no matter whos aerial mapping system it is.  

Fact many systems on the market today would produce higher accuracy results if the operator understand how to properly plan and execute the drone flight.  Most think flying lidar is the same is using cameras and they they wonder why they get the results they do.  

Dan Hubert has been developing lidar systems and working with most of the big names in the industry for over 2o years.  He is also the director of UAS division for ASPRS at the National Level... 

in this video you will learn: 

1. #Drone #LiDAR optimization: the ultimate guide to choosing the right drone LiDAR sensor combination for your use case

2. The critical elements your flight automation must have to capture high-accuracy LiDAR data 

3. Top 4 most beneficial LiDAR planning elements to maximize data capture for your use case 

4. #UgCS LiDAR tools in action

5. How do you start your drone LiDAR journey? 

BONUS Offer at the end to sign up for a lidar planning Workshop.  https://learn.modus-ai.com/courses/lidar-planning-workshop

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