UAV Mine Surveys - Micro Aerial Projects L.L.C.

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Surveying in an open cast mine has challenges of it's own. Setting up terrestrial scanners and other survey devices in the traffic of heavy equipment either slows down production or poses serious saftey risks to the survey crews. Other safety and health risks involve steep ledges, potential for rock/land slides, noise and dust. Conventional mine surveying takes time, involves more than one person and can be very expensive. This video was created by Oliver and Walter Volkmann for Aibotix in 2012 to help them promote the use of their Aibot X6 in one of the more dangerous environments for surveyors. Based on the Mikrokopter Flight and Navigation controllers available today (, the Aibot X6 is programmed to fly flight paths automatically. Due to limitations in the mikrokopter flight/navigation controller, photos are taken at time intervals calculated to provide the approximate overlap percentages required as special licenses are required if the user intends to fly more than 32 waypoints. The Aibot X6, just like most VTOL UAVs / Multirotors on the market today, provides an efficient and profitable way to perform aerial mapping and is able to operate in conditions not suitable for conventional aerial photography. By using the imagery gathered during Aibot X6 automatic flights which are programmed using Mikrokopter Tools Waypoint Planning, high resolution orthophotos can be generated using third party software from which detailed models, suitable for measuring quantities, designing earthworks and general orientation in mine management and safety, can be built.

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