Tip for Vendors: Sections of Marketplace Hub and How to Generate RSS Feeds

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This video is about how to use your Marketplace hub on Land Surveyors United to send posts, products, specials and more to your customers while also allowing those posts to blast out to social media profiles, platforms ect.

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Think about it this way... All sections of a Marketplace Hub generate RSS Feeds that you can also use to syndicate your posts to Your Social Media Profiles. Use RSS Ground to generate your Posting Campaigns to your own Social Media Marketplace Hubs also have the option to turn on other modules such as an Events Page, Podcasts, Social Media Import, Youtube Channel Import.

How to Use the Various Features of your Marketplace Hub

Hub Blog

Use Your Hubs Blog is a great place to share special deals and promotional pricing with Land Surveyors United Members. You can embed pretty much anything you like into blogs. Use blogs to post more in depth content and article.

Hub Forum

Use Your Hubs Forum to host support questions, answer frequently asked questions, discuss changes in technology, shout outs to members and companies, etc. Your forum can have as many categories and tags as you like for organization Hub Photos Use Your Hubs Photos

Section to share company photos, surveyor events photos, product images and slideshows. You can also embed payment buttons, documentation, videos and forms into descriptions of photos in your hub

Hub Videos

Use Your Hubs Videos to showcase products that you offer, demo equipment and software, offer webinars and virtual learning opportunities and host Live Streaming Events for your followers


Extending Your Store’s Social Reach and including Support Options

The Smarketplace is powered by new content posted inside Vendor Hubs inside Land Surveyors United.  The publishing power of a Hub, a sub community of the larger global network, basically empowers your brand to have it’s own “News” station about what vendors sell, service and support.  Our virtual mall stores drive traffic directly to the products that are on showcase.

Of course it is great to have over  20k surveyors to engage inside the community, encouraging them to follow your Marketplace Hub.  There are also many ways that you can get the most out of your Smarketplace Mall Presence and even dramatically increase your reach outside of Land Surveyors United Community..

Embed a Live Chat Specific to your brand

Capturing leads from your Smarketplace store could not be easier!  The following options are available for Vendors who own stores inside the Smarketplace Virtual Mall.    If you find a chat option that you would like to have installed into your store, email the generated code from any of the services below to [email protected] and we will install it for you.


If you would like to control your own live chat through your Smarketplace Store, we can embed a chat widget specific to your brand.  Here are a few of the ways to accomplish this:



If you set up a Manychat account and connect it to your Facebook page, it will use your Facebook Page Messenger as the live chat.  Simply sign into Manychat, attach your Facebook Page and customize your greeting.   Then email the embed code to [email protected] and we’ll install it for you.  After it is installed make all of the changes you want to the chat and it will update live Instantly.



A Whatsapp Chat plugin that you customize can be embedded into your store pages for customers and visitors to connect with you using Whatsapp.  WhatsApp widget by Elfsight is a simple tool for your website customers to stay connected with you and hear answers to their questions and requests. Be available live for clientele in their most favorite messenger all day long. Set up сhat on website and it will appear on specified pages or for specified groups of viewers. You can establish start-chat triggers, write your unique welcome message, choose icons, and even more. With the help of HTML Chat code embedded on web page, you will remain connected with your viewers anytime and from any place. 


Monitor and chat with the visitors on your website,

respond to support tickets and create a help center to

empower customers to help themselves – all 100% Free



Every Marketplace Hub inside Land Surveyors United is not only like a sub-community dedicated to a brand, it is also like its own mini-news station about said brand.  Every Marketplace Hub has the following Types of Pages:

  • Forum
  • Photos
  • Videos
  • Blog
  • Articles
  • Events
  • Podcasts
  • Social Channels

Although all of them may not be turned on until you enable them, when they are turned on and set to visible by Everyone (Public) they each generate an RSS feed.   This means anytime you post ANYTHING inside any of these pages, a new item will be syndicated out like news to everywhere the feed has been embedded or programmed to receive those new items.  For our purposes, such a place is a Vendor’s Smarketplace Store Page.  This accomplishes several things at once.   1) Anytime you post to your Hub, a new update will show up inside your Store driving traffic back to your original post and helping you gain followers on your Hub.  2) Those hubs which are updated the most frequently with the best content (Pay close attention to the titles you use for posts), will not only get the most exposure from the community, it will also signal to search engines that their spiders should return and crawl more often...which basically means, the more you post, they higher chance you will have being the most frequently crawled Store inside the Mall.


And then there is the mega-boost that you can give to your content’s reach by configuring those RSS feeds to do other things and go other places everytime you post.


Using Photos

RSS Feeds Generated by Your Hub

Simply replace the following ‘xxxxxx’ in the URL with your own to get the RSS Feeds for your Marketplace Hub:







Content distribution & curation

Feeds Reader

Follow latest updates from your favorite content feeds or create a personal collection of feeds categorizing them by content types, sources or topics.

WordPress Poster

Set automated posting from a group of targeted self-updating content feeds to any category of your WordPress blog under any authorized user name.

Content Widget

Create self-updating content blocks and place them to your webpages to display latest news and updates from a list of targeted content feeds.

Blogger Poster

Set automated posting from a group of targeted self-updating content feeds to any of your Blogger blogs.

Facebook Poster

Set automated posting from a group of targeted self-updating content feeds to Facebook profiles or fan pages, Facebook groups or event pages.

LinkedIn Poster

Set automated posting from a group of targeted self-updating content feeds to one or several LinkedIn company pages or to your personal LinkedIn page.

Twitter Poster

Set automated posting from a group of targeted self-updating content feeds to one or several Twitter accounts and add custom hashtags to each post

YouTube feeds

Generate self-updating content feeds (RSS feeds) with recently added YouTube videos using a list of keywords or channel IDs.

Instagram feeds

Generate self-updating content feeds with recent personal posts published on Instagram or posts published by other business users.

Video Transcript:

Hey everybody justin here from land surveyors united and marketplace virtual mall uh here with another tip for vendors on how to use your marketplace hub to post products services items to your marketplace page inside the mob so you see here We are for this particular uh for this particular tutorial we're looking at safety apparel and you see here they've got uh several products in their their uh their store including their instagram feed and then we have these feeds uh this is basically every time every time you post inside your hub It's going to come into here and i'm going to show you how so we're over here at the safety apparel marketplace hub they have control over the hub they can go like in the previous video they can go into the back and edit it edit the pages every section of this hub the forum the photos the videos they all j they all generate A an rss feed so for example this little icon right here this icon right here if i were to right click it and copy that image address you'd see that it's a feed so anytime they post another photo to this section it's going to come automatically into their into their store It's the same with the forum and and you have you have multiple sections that you can add to your hub you can add uh for example you could add a an articles section if you want to collect articles from your uh customers you can put an event section if you like to hold virtual events or want to schedule demos with people You can add a blog section um if you want to keep a company blog or you want to keep a an ongoing uh an ongoing archive of interactions with customers or pictures from events you have the forum section which is great for a question and answer about your products you can use the forum to ask questions to your customers you could also use your forum to broadcast deals just for land surveyors united members Remember you know at the at the present moment we've got around 17 400 members who watch the activity feed as it's going through so if you're offering some sort of a discount just for land surveyors united members put it in your forum or in your blog and those feeds will pump into your page you have a photos section i'm going to do a separate video for photos and videos But you can use your photos to not only post product photos but interactions between you and your customers and you can also in in the descriptions of photos you can even embed paypal buttons and all kinds of different stuff um social channel is for pulling in youtube vimeo hulu channels entire channels you can pull your own into there you can set up custom pages like we have here where we just pull i just pulled their Products from their website into a custom page and then you have podcasts so if you've got audio that you've uh you think your customers can benefit from you can add a podcast page reason why i'm showing you all this is because each and every single section of of your hub creates a feed and that feed gets combined and comes into your page and anytime you update over here it's gonna Go in here now for search engines the pages on this in this mall that get updated the most frequently are the ones that are gonna get the highest search engine preference so posting to your hub several times a week is a great idea even if you're posting about new products that are coming out or you've got an offer or you need somebody in the Community that might be willing to beta test your products or or do a video demo of your products uh posting them inside your hub makes it go in a lot of different places not only does it come in here it goes to them to this marketplace mall blog it goes into our facebook page and our twitter so post often if you want to get the attention of people without throwing A lot of money down the tubes trying to buy banner ads from from websites and trying to do google adsense and whatnot you're wasting your money and just hoping people are click whereas you post in here and it's going to go right into the stream where your customers already are and this is this is how we maintain the community without allowing a bunch of spam through the community Just use your hub to attract the customers once you've attracted them and they've followed your and they followed your hub then you can reach out to them and message them and talk directly with them and so uh i hope this was a helpful video just remember that every section of your hub creates a feed in fact every section has categories that if you categorize your posts under a particular Category those generate feeds so then i can combine those feeds and give them legs and use them to drive traffic to your website hope this helps

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