Three Must-Know Skills to Pass the FS Exam | Fundamentals of Surveying Exam

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Passing the Fundamentals of Surveying exam is difficult! Only about 50% of first-time takers pass the exam, while about 25% of repeat takers. One of the reasons the pass rate is so low is the variety of topics. There are 13 categories of questions on the current FS exam, and NCEES has just started its 6-year review cycle to create a “new” version of the exam. But if you look closely at the NCEES FS Specifications, you will realize that only a few categories make-up the majority of the exam. Those categories include…sorry, you have to watch the video to find out! #landsurveying #nlcprep #fsexam ============================= Table of Contents: ============================= 00:00 - Start 00:09 - Welcome 01:12 - The FS is Far Reaching 03:58 - The Priority(Dignity) of Calls 05:19 - Rank the Dignity of the Evidence 07:02 - Solving a Missing Side or Angle 08:10 - Pre-programmed HP35 09:41 - Accuracy vs Precision 10:30 - Precision ============================= Schedule a call with one of our dedicated team members to discuss your study plan and which test prep program works best for you:

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