The Rifleman S2 E14 "Surveyors"

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Surveyors in the old west.  Mark tells Lucas that he overheard a plot to rob North Fork's bank. When Lucas questions him more closely about it, Mark, thinking that his father doesn't believe him, runs away from home.  


A surveying party camps near North Fork. Mark carries a milk supply to their campsite. No one is there, and Mark falls asleep in a tent while reading a surveying book. Meanwhile, two of the surveyors have murdered a third, and are planning a crime in North Fork. Mark awakens when they return. He hears just a little of their talk; just enough for him to think that something bad is going to happen. He tells Lucas, but Lucas is not convinced. Mark must persist, and Lucas must consider and reconsider, before deciding what to do. Written by Charles Delacroix

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