Technologies and applications of interactive flood simulation

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Severe flood disasters may frequently occur in near future because global warming will change the flood risk. To prepare the disaster, we propose global flood simulation software which simulates flood flow in short time on an earth viewer (i.e., global geographical information system). User can edit a flood scenario such as the location of levee failure by clicking on the earth viewer, then the software simulate the flood flow based on fluid dynamics. The simulation and GIS communicate each other using our technology, the flood information are visualized on the viewer even during the simulation. I will make a presentation about the technology and show how to work our flood simulation software. Speaker: Satoshi Yamaguchi I specialize in the geophysics, hydrodynamics and software development such as geographical information system (GIS). I conduct a research on flood disaster and develop flood simulation software on our original GIS for a number of years in Hitachi Central Research Laboratory. I studied physical oceanography in Tohoku University and received masters degree.

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