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Surveyor: Homestretch funding for a Short Film

Survey Legend
Views: 68
There's never been a great Western made; in fact, nearly all Westerns are fraudulent. This is where 'Surveyor' comes in, albeit in a short and low-budget format, no less. My film tells the story of a government agent surveyor returning home after having surveyed land on the western frontier. His journey home becomes a nightmarish trek through an American gothic landscape - this is a true depiction of how the American West was lost. Wait a sec! What's a surveyor!? Well, did you know that George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, and Abraham Lincoln were surveyors? Ever wonder who created the boundaries in those old ancient maps? Every wonder who started the great pyramids of Egypt? Did you know the Bible is filled with stories about surveyors? In the future, if we send our starships out to explore, and probably colonize, the farthest reaches of the cosmos, are you curious as to what kinds of people would be spearheading the effort? And, finally, did you ever wonder what the actual mechanism by which the American government used to push westward was?Cue the Surveyor! In the 1800s surveying was the most dangerous job in America, and thus American Indians killed them whenever they could. Using their levels, chains, and compasses, surveyors went out into the unknown to certify claims against insurmountable forces. My film is about this. Here's the good news: The film is nearly finished! With your help I can put the finishing touches on my short film 'Surveyor,' and thus end the fourteen month process it has taken to make it. Because of the colorist and film festival submission fees (most of which are around $50 each) I need to raise finishing funds of $1,500. The film is entirely shot, edited, scored, and the visual effects are nearly completed as I write this. My intention is to submit 'Surveyor' to as many top film festivals as possible. And once I'm finished with the film, I plan to use it as a fundraising tool for my next, and last, short film. Thank you so much for your help. It's been a long, arduous process and I'm anxious for people to finally see 'Surveyor.' Please let me know if you have any questions. Many thanks, Scott Blake CAST: David Kulcsar, Jay Hill, Nathan Fisher, Amanda Pieper, Tom Brophy, Leroy Chin and Dennis Moore. PRODUCER/DIRECTOR: Scott Blake CINEMATOGRAPHER: Clyde Garrido ASSISTANT CAMERA: Jason Lorig and Michael Hofacker MAKE-UP ARTIST: Darren Haffner SOUND DESIGN: Jason Alberts ON-SET SOUND: Brianna Murphy LINE PRODUCER: Ashika Chand COLORIST: John Davidson COMPOSER: Charles-Henri Avelange FILM EDITOR: Scott Blake WRITTEN BY: Scott Blake

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