Surveying - Finding Bearings and Azimuths for traverse

Party Chief
Views: 504
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Calculating bearings and azimuths for a traverse when given the interior angles and one of the bearings. I just used the counterclockwise method to calculate the azimuths of each side of the traverse then converted the azimuths to bearings. I hope this is helpful! I did this video for extra credit for my surveying class. This is the first video I've ever done like this, so I apologize for any mistakes I made! hopefully I corrected them all by the end. The math is all correct though, so if you ended up on this video hoping to learn how to do this, everything is right by the end, I just misspoke a few times. If you go full screen, it is much easier to read the numbers! If you view and have any questions, just comment and I will do my best to answer them

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