Smarketplace Version 1 - Virtual Mall for Surveyors Built from a Spreadsheet

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Way back in November 2020, an idea began to form about a Virtual Mall for Land Surveyors - a metaverse for the Land Surveyors United Community. A Surveyor Marketplace -aka "Smarketplace" where the vendors inside the community can both sell and support their products inside the community. This video showcased the completed first version of the Virtual Mall that I built using Google Sheets. After laying out the virtual mall in this manner, the real creativity kicked in. Find the latest version of Smarketplace here:
Of course a lot of things have changed since this initial version. Today, we have a full blown Virtual Mall in web form where vendors can edit and add their products.
We also have a highly customized virtual mall app which you can find at
You can learn more about the Smarketplace Virtual Mall here in the Land Surveyor Wiki

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