Powell Outdoor Classroom,Surveying

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Sixth Sun is building a garden and outdoor classroom at an elementary school in Raleigh, North Carolina. The Powell GT Magnet garden and outdoor classroom is an educational space and part of our initiative to create a local food system that is based on community empowerment through education. The stakeholders of this project include teachers, administrators, parents, students, and neighbors, all of whom have been involved since the conception of this project. The outcome will be a stimulating place for play, learning, and environmental education. We are creating a space where kids can learn about and interact with their food source. We also want to embed lessons on the importance of environmental stewardship, individual responsibility and impact. As this project succeeds it will act as a springboard to broader community interaction and involvement, including the potential of a community garden, more home gardens, demand of more local produce availability and community wide unification.

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