Local Coordinate to Real Coordinate in AutoCAD by Excel

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With the help of this video you will learn how to transform the Local coordinates or Arbitrary coordinates into Real coordinates with the help of AutoCad and Excel. With this method you can easily correct any rotational or scaling problem of your drawing while talliyng with the real coordinates. You can easily merge the drawing made by local coordinates into drawing by real coordinates.


The method I have applied for transforming arbitrary coordinates to real coordinates is described below-
1) I have taken a sample data from a field survey which was collected by ETS instrument by assuming arbitrary coordinate 10000,10000. During the filed survey i have marked the points on ground and later i have taken real coordinate data of three point by using DGPS instrument.

2) Then in AutoCAD I plot the local coordinate data by applying an easy formula in excel and made a triangle with three arbitrary coordinate points of which we have DGPS point.

3) Then I opened another drawing in AutoCAD and drawn another triangle with the known real coordinate points.

4) After that I copied all data from first drawing with Copy with Base Point option and pasted it into the second drawing.

5) Then I used ROTATE / ALIGN Command in AutoCAD to solve the rotational error.

6) After merging local coordinate based drawing with the real coordinate drawing I applied LIST Command and exported all vertices from that drawing.

7) Then with the help of excel I arranged the real coordinates data.

8) and Finally our destination is ready.I have successfully converted Local coordinate data to real coordinate data.

Try this method in your work field and if any questions are there please feel free to ask. We will definitely try to answer you all. Thank you

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