International Surveyors Week 2018

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International Land Surveyors Week 2018 (June 17-23) is for Land Surveyors in any country on earth to celebrate the value of professional land surveyors in society. International Surveyors Week 2018 This is our 4th year celebrating the surveying profession worldwide on this week and it is slowly changing the industry into a more open and connected situation for surveyors all around the world. Just ask yourself a couple of questions. Have you recently noticed all of the surveying magazines and forum websites pushing the idea that they are global and/or international? Have you been following all of the surveying photos and videos submitted from around the planet? No need to wonder why.. just look at what we are doing together here on Land Surveyors United. Stand up and represent your area of the world by introducing yourself in Groups for practically every inch of the earth! What we are building is a comprehensive network for educating those new to surveying about both the similarities and differences shared between surveyors around the world based on locations, which we all know carry different guidelines and rules. Tell us stories about your surveying experiences where you live and enjoy reading the stories of others who live elsewhere, but face similar professional challenges. In the future, the most well rounded surveyors will be those who understand how things are done outside of their local environment. Use your day to promote surveying in your area of the world and just watch things begin to change... Join the Group for International Surveyors Week 2018 Build, Grow and Improve your Surveying Carrier, Together! No Mind Left Behind International Surveyors Week 2018 RSVP To Participate on our Facebook Event and Share with your fello... List of Days of the Week Dedicated to Surveyor Locations Around the Planet: SUN.17TH-AFRICA DAY MON.18TH -N.AMERICA DAY TUES.19TH- ASIA DAY WED.20TH EUROPEAN DAY THURS.21ST- SURVEY EARTH IN A DAY 7 FRI.22ND- CENTRAL & S. AMERICA GEO DAY SAT.23RD -MIDDLE EAST GEO DAY SUN.24TH - OCEANIA SURVEYORS DAY Keep an eye on This Page and be sure to pre-join your Local Hub for Country or State SURVEY EARTH in a DAY 7 occurs on Thursday of that week...June 21st at Noon on the solstice, so if you happen to be a surveyor who will need to borrow equipment from your company for the weekend, please remember to make the necessary arrangements with your boss. SEIAD will occur at Noon on June 21st and surveyors across the globe will be taking survey grade GPS measurements within their local area and submitting them to Land Surveyors United, as we measure the entire earth during the course of a single day. Represent the land surveyors in your area of the world by participating in surveyor events each and every day of International Surveyors Week 2018. On Thursday, we will be sending out the form for submitting your data for Survey Earth in a Day. More on Survey Earth in a Day coming soon...but please feel free to RSVP to submit a point here, learn more about the event here and by all means start planning your submission. You can also include photos of your setup and crew, short videos and more!. Tell us what you think! Is this a good way to bring land surveyors together? Let us know any suggestions or your plans to participate!

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