How to use prismatic compass in surveying in India

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A prismatic compas is a navigation and surveying instrument which is extensively used for determining course, waypoints (an endpoint of the leg of a course) and direction, and for calculating bearings of survey lines and included angles between them. Compass surveying is a type of surveying in which the directions of surveying lines are determined with a magnetic compass, and the length of the surveying lines are measured with a tape or chain or laser range finder. The compass is generally used to run a traverse line. The compass calculates bearings of lines with respect to magnetic north. The included angles can then be calculated using suitable formulas in case of clockwise and anti-clockwise traverse respectively. For each survey line in the traverse, surveyors take two bearings that is fore bearing and back bearing which should exactly differ by 180° if local attraction is negligible. The name Prismatic compass is given to it because it essentially consists of a prism which is used for taking observations more accurately

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