How to Offset and Elevation Layout with Robotic Total Station

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In this video I take you with me on a simple total station setup and an easy layout of one offset from gridline and we set a few benchmarks.

Structural steel survey and layout are critical processes necessary for building a solid foundation for any construction project. The use of a robotic total station, prism pole, and optical level make it possible to achieve accurate measurements and precise results.

To start, a Trimble RTS 573 robotic total station is used, which requires proper set-up. This involves leveling the tripod, placing the total station on top, and calibrating the device using a Panasonic FCM 1 tablet and Trimble Field Link software. Once calibrated, the instrument is ready for use in storing control, offset layout, setting benchmarks, and plumbing the structure.

During the offset layout process, the robotic total station requires two known points 90 degrees apart from each other. Surveyors use a prism pole, bubble, and prism to obtain angles and perform layout on vertical surfaces. After recording the elevation of the control point, the surveyor focuses on the distance between the offset and reference lines, correcting any discrepancies.

For precise elevation measurements, the prism center's height must be within 1/8th of an inch. The surveyor inputs the rod height and measures the angle, producing an offset measurement that is accurately read by everyone, ensuring error-free results. The surveyor marks the position, checks the elevation, and cleans the marked surface for later adjustments.

Finally, a total station can also be used to measure the elevations of different points in a building. This process involves cleaning the area and holding the device steady to achieve accurate results. The device produces clear and precise points, with the option of using the control to regain lost locks.

To summarize, structural steel survey and layout require precise measurements and attention to detail. This is achieved using a robotic total station, prism pole, and optical level that make it possible to obtain accurate measurements and precise results necessary in creating a solid foundation for any building.

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