Handhelds Nautiz X7 ultra-rugged computer can handle all situations

GEO Ambassador
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The ultra-rugged Nautiz X7 is IP67-rated and impervious to both dust and water. It can withstand repeated drops, vibration, and operating temperatures from -30°C to 60 °C.The Nautiz X7 ultra-rugged PDA offers an 806 MHz Xscale processor, 128 MB of onboard RAM and 4 GB of Flash storage. The 5600 mAh Li-ion battery that will operate up to 12 hours on a single charge.The Nautiz X7 runs Windows Mobile 6.1 has a 3.5-inch VGA touchscreen and includes integrated SiRF Star III GPS, Bluetooth and WLAN, plus a built-in 3-megapixel camera with autofocus and LED flash. The Nautiz X7 also has 3G cellular plus and integrated compass and altimeter, and even a g-sensor/accelerometer that can measure speed, vibration and rotation.For more information visit http://landsurveyorsunited.com/group/handheldsupportgroup

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