Aerial Inspection and Surveying Malaysia

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IFCON Innovation Sdn Bhd is an innovative technology company based in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.We are one of the first Malaysian companies to provide aerial inspection and surveying, using Remotely Operated Aerial Vehicles (ROAVs). Our reliable technology has many applications including• Close visual inspection of difficult to access structures such as live flare stacks or transmission towers• Topographic surveying from the airIn addition to commercial, aerial surveys, we also offer a cost effective aerial filming service for film and television production companies.We work across the globe for companies of all sizes in different industry sectors including Oil and Gas, Agriculture, Power and Energy, Film and Television.We offer a cost effective solution to challenging surveying and aerial inspection tasks. Our inspections and surveys provide early warning of potential problems, pinpoint faults and allow for quick repairs or planned maintenance.Our remotely operated drones are fitted with highly accurate aerial surveying equipment. Our operators are all experts, with a reputation for delivering outstanding results in even the most difficult situations. In addition to providing superb quality data, our safety record is first class.We can provide high definition images of many different types of structure where traditional "cherry-pickers" or other types of platforms would be unsuitable.For more info please visit

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