5 Dangerous Things to Avoid Saying In a Job Interview
This video will share with you five things you should never say in a job interview. You must be careful in a job interview to make sure you know what to say and what to avoid saying. Most people screw up their interviews by blurting out things they never should say and ruin their chances for moving farther in the interview process. Some of the examples I used in this video or things I say might not be true for you, so if they are not true for you, I'm not telling you to lie. I want you to be truthful and at the same time I don't want you to stick your foot in your mouth. I always suggest to avoid saying negative things about your past boss or company. Even if your boss was terrible, I think it's better to find one honest, true and GOOD thing you can say about him/her. If you walk into an interview and start trash-talking your boss, your interviewer might think that the problem is with you and not your boss. but like I said, even the worst people usually have one kind thing you can say about them. 1. Don't talk bad about your company. Don’t talk bad about the people. Don't say that you didn't like working there; no matter how it comes up. 2. A lot of candidates go in and they're so desperate to work at a job they'll say, “I'll do anything. It doesn't matter what it is; I'll do anything.” Now, these are usually people who are not employed right now (maybe they've been out of work for six to nine months, maybe even two years) and they are desperate for a job and they will do anything. Learn the 5 most important things to never say in a job interview from hiring expert: Don Georgevich of: https://jobinterviewtools.com #neversayinajobinterview #jobinterview #interviewquestionsandanswers #jobinterviewtips ************************************************************************************** DOWNLOAD THE TOP 10 BEST INTERVIEW QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS FOR FREE: https://jobinterviewtools.com/top10 **************************************************************************************
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