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May 7

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Seeking Employment

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Hi.My name is Adrian and i'm a surveyor engineer in Romania. Well,what to tell, my life is like a search now, I'm trying to find my way. This is rather difficult nowadays in my country, that's why I'm considering to move to the U.S.A., to continue or acknowledge my studies and hopefully find a job. Unfortunately I dont't have many contacts in the U.S.A. and, due to lack of information, I don't know what my chances really are. I would be very greateful if by joining this land surveyors group i would find someone that would and could try to help me in this sense. I graduated the Faculty of Geodesy, the specilization Terrestrial Measurements and Cadastre, in one item- Surveying. This is also the field I've been working into in the last 3 years, since graduation. I would like to know if there is a possibility to have my education over there acknowledged and optionally to continue my studies there, for example to make a master degree...or whatever necessary to find o job in this domain. Another problem would be my visa. I already have a 10 year visa for U.S.A., but I assume that for studying or working I would be needing a student or working visa. So I should also be interested to know what the procedure for changing the visa status is. Well,my dear friend from us, thank you for reading this, I wish you all the best and say goodbye , with the hope that maybe you know someone who could provide you with this information or that maybe you find out something which could help me further. Any encouriging news will mean a lot for me. Best wishes and thanks, Adrian:)

I have experience with the following

GPS, cadastral, topographic, boundary surveys, construction staking, topographic surveys, GIS, Survey Office

My Background in Surveying

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