I can't believe this!

This is the Philippines' mother of all monuments. A piece of stone? This is unbelievable! This monument is never protected. It can be destroyed anytime.This is the origin of The Philippine Reference System of 1992.
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  • Land Surveyor

    This photograph remains etched in my memory (much like the carving on the stone) as one of the most important documented monuments on Earth.  It was this photo that gave me reason to connect with Arnel Domag, a fellow surveyor half-way around the world.

  • Ah that so good

  • Ah how exciting.  Great find!

  • Land Surveyor

    This is a most impressive example of what a group of surveyors can do when well organized.  Congratulations to you all!

  • We belong to the Luzon, Philippines, Regional Division of the GEP!

  • Friends, Cecilio & I belong to the same Regional Division of Geodetic Engineers of the Philippines, Inc., a professional organization for Geodetic Engineers and sole accredited org by the Philippine Professional Regulation Commission.

  • I guess Cecilio "Boy" Reyes and James Herando belong to same chapter in GEP.

  • Correction: Geodetic Engineers of the Philippines, Inc.

  • Cecilio Reyes (also an LSU member) spearheaded the protection of this most precious stone in the Philippines in his capacity as the National President of the  Geodetic Engineering of the Philippines, Inc. Congratulations sir!

  • Please allow me to take this opportunity to introduce to you guys, James Hernando (who provided information below). He's passionate and a great Filipino surveyor. I am glad to have him as one of my new friends in the industry.

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