Getting into robotics system entails very careful study on what brand and model to take as it involves a lot of money. Just relying on their respective marketing materials doesn't actually help you but prolongs your agony.
I am considering to get into robotics system and I am having difficulty in choosing which brand and model to take. I am considering among top makers: Leica, Trimble, Topcon, and Sokkia. Any suggestions? Thank you.
I've been using Robotics for about 6 years now with 3 different brands. The one I recommend and personally feel like it takes the cake is the Leica 1205+ with an Allegra MX data collector hosting Carlson Surv CE software. Just can't beat it!
Best of luck.
What I do is High rise Layout, and I am using a Sokkia SRX5" Robotic Total Station along with an Allegro Mx data collector and SurvCE 2.5
This machines and software allow me To translate literally the foundation drawing to the ground. According with the experts the software is an important part to work with, likewise, a powerful data collector (full color, touch screen, CPU speed minimum 624 Mhz, Ram at least 128 Mb and storage minimum 2000 Mb). I can work until 250m away from the TE with a good signal.
I hope this comment be useful. Good luck
Ivan Barrera